The Division 2 Update 1.19 Patch Notes vom 17. März

Division 2 Update 1.19

Ubisoft hat heute ein neues Update für The Division 2 veröffentlicht. Unten findet ihr die vollständigen Patch Notes zu diesem Update am 17. März.

Das The Division 2 Update 1.19 kann ab sofort heruntergeladen und installiert werden. Auf der Playstation 4 müsst ihr 2.5 GB herunterladen.

Die Server wurden gegen 09:30 Uhr offline geschaltet, für Wartungsarbeiten. Die voraussichtliche Zeit wurden it 3 Stunden angegeben, die Server sollten also gegen 12:30 Uhr wieder online sein.


The Division 2 Patch Notes 1.19

Leider wurden nur die Englischen Patch Notes veröffentlicht. Sollte Ubisoft die deutschen Übersetzungen liefern, werden wir den Artikel aktualisieren!


  • We are temporarily disabling the ability to reset seasonal manhunts to prevent lost progression towards a manhunt. This is a temporary solution while we are working on a more permanent fix meant to release later in March. Once the final fix is implemented, we will reactive the ability to reset manhunts.
  • Fixed a progression blocker where an NPC became stuck at the last stage in Castle Clinton.
  • Fixed an issue that granted an incorrect number of Specialization Points per SHD level.
  • Fixed an issue where blue quality items dropped from regular NPCs in the DZ regardless of player max level.
  • Fixed an issue where players would gain multiple seasonal caches.
  • Fixed an issue with seasonal cache rewards becoming contaminated if players leveled in the season whilst in the DZ.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from gaining seasonal XP from DZ activities.
  • Fixed an issue where enemy NPCs would disappear at The Nest Control Point, halting progress at the „defend stage“.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented completion of The Nest Control Point on challenging difficulty.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause some NPCs to be stuck at spawn in various Control Points.
  • Fixed some puzzle reset issues on all Hunter encounters.
  • Fixed an issue causing Hunter encounters to give too many keys.
    • If you received too many keys, you won’t receive new keys until your completed encounters match your amount of keys.


Quelle: Ubisoft