Mortal Kombat 11 Update 1.28 Patch Notes vom 26. Januar

Die NetherRealm Studios haben heute ein neues Update für Mortal Kombat 11 veröffentlicht. Wir haben die vollständigen Patch Notes zu dieser Aktualisierung am 26. Januar.
Das Mortal Kombat Update 1.28 kann ab sofort heruntergeladen und Installiert werden, für PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia und PS4. Auf der Playstation 4 müsst ihr 480 MB herunterladen. Der heutige Patch behebt einige Fehler und es werden Anpassungen vorgenommen, ganz speziell an den Charakteren.
Mortal Kombat 11 (MK11) Patch Notes 1.28
Leider gibt es die Patch Hinweise bisher nur auf Englisch. Wir aktualisieren diesen Artikel sobald uns die Deutschen Patch Notes vorliegen.
General Gameplay Adjustments
- Move list corrections
- Fixed minor issues with several augments
- Fixed minor visual & audio issues with several Brutalities
Character Specific Adjustments
- D’Vorah – Number of Wasps currently affecting an opponent will no longer sometimes be reset if Strepsiptera connects while opponent is in the hit reaction to Swarm
- Kano – The first hit of Snake Bite now has 1 more active frame and the second hit has 1 less startup frame
- Kano – The hit reaction to Figjam Amplified (Back Punch, Back Punch, Front Kick, Amplify) will no longer sometimes use the incorrect blood color against some opponents
- Kotal Kahn – Now has 1050 health (down from 1100)
- Kotal Kahn – Fixed issue with Eztli Totem providing higher then intended healing when stacked with other Totem types
- Kotal Kahn – Chicahtoc & Eztli Totems no longer have Kustom Variation restrictions in Kompetitive modes
- Kotal Kahn – The first hit of Yeyecame Disk Amplify now has slightly farther reach and the projectile now has 10 less frames of hit advantage
- Kung Lao – Sweeping Razor (Away + Back kick) while having no Hat now properly triggers Krushing Blow reset conditions
- Shao Kahn – Now has 1100 health (up from 1050)
- RoboCop – Now has 1050 health (up from 1000)
- RoboCop – Adjusted the hit region of Getup/Flawless Block Attack (Up + Back Punch)
- Sheeva – Dragon Drop is now off-screen for 2 more frames before her drop attack begins
- Sheeva – Dragon Stance now has 2 more startup frames
- Mileena – Poisonous Butterfly (Towards + Back Kick) now has airborne frames when Mileena is off the ground
- Mileena – The hit reactions to Kahnum Dash Amplify, Kahnum Dash Further Amplify, & Ridin‘ Dirty (Front Punch, Front Punch, Front Punch + Front Kick) now have airborne frames when Mileena is off the ground
- Mileena – Fixed a rare issue where Play Time (Towards + Front Punch, Back Punch, Back Kick) could leave a lingering visual effect on certain costumes
- Rambo – Slightly adjusted the hit regions & repel regions of Basic Training (Away + Front Punch)
- Rambo – Lieutenant Drop (Towards + Back Kick) now has airborne frames when Rambo is off the ground
- Rambo – Hidden M60 & Hidden M60 Amplify will no longer sometimes use an incorrect animation when Rambo is hit by Kronika’s Reverse Time
Quelle: Mortal Kombat