Warframe Update Version 1.81 Patch Notes 27.0.5
Die Entwickler von Warframe haben heute das Update 27.0.5 veröffentlicht, wir haben die vollständigen Patch Notes 1.81 für euch, für PC, PS4 und Xbox One.
Warframe Update 1.81 ist ein umfangreiches Update, welches zahlreiche Fehlerbehebungen beinhaltet. Zudem wurden auch zwei neue Erfolge implementiert.
Warframe Patch Notes 1.81
General Additions:
Added 2 new Achievements:
- I’m The Captain Now – Pilot a hijacked enemy Crewship during a Railjack mission (Bronze Trophy).
- From out of the Sun – Shoot down 100 enemies while in a Railjack (Silver Trophy).
General Changes:
- If you so choose, you can now ride the barges in the Dry Dock!
- Mite Raknoid spawn time between broods will now increase over time if the Exploiter Orbs vents are not dealt with to address endless spawn abuse.
- Improvements towards the algorithm of dynamic vendor (Hok, Ticker, etc) items to guarantee even appearances.
- Vauban’s Flechette Orb Damage multiplier now scales based on average enemy level in range.
- Removed an unnecessary friendship door from Saturn Grineer Asteroid tileset interior.
- Improved network protocols to improve matchmaking, presence, and game-invitations in certain Eastern European regions without open access to the internet.
- Optimized hitches when joining popular Chat channels (eg Region) when you have a large number of Friends or are part of a large Clan.
- Made a micro-optimizations to Oberon Primes FX.
- Made a small optimization and fixed a potential crash in rendering.
- Made some micro-optimizations to memory management to save a few MB on large levels.
- Made some micro-optimizations to AI avoidance.
- Made some micro-optimizations to rendering.
- Fixed a memory leak that could occur when certain types of lights were in view.
- Fixed slow leak that would degrade performance in missions like Sanctuary Onslaught.
- Fixed missing textures on the leg of the Infested Ancient.
- Fixed Ivara Prime’s Artemis bow not updating its alt fire for the currently selected Quiver.
- Fixed being able to start the Rising Tide quest before completing Second Dream if you set it as your active quest from the World State Window.
- Fixed inability to Install Cephalon Cy in the Dry Dock after initiating the Rising Tide quest while in the Dojo.
- Fixed a loss of functionality when attempting to modify your Parazon on another players Orbiter.
- Fixed Kuva Lich having the attention span of a squirrel when surrounded by Nidus’ Maggots.
- Fixed Kuva not appearing Taxed on the End Of Mission screen.
- Fixed the World State Window’s “Next Objective” panel directing players to the the Mars->Ceres Junction before Mars->Phobos Junction.
- Fixed Grineer Guardsmen blocking 100% of damage.
- Fixed enemies like Sentients being put into a ‘lifted status’ and playing wonky or popping animations because they weren’t set up to ragdoll or rise from ragdoll.
- Fixed Ancient Healer Specters not teleporting to players in Orb Vallis or Plains of Eidolon.
- Fixed Coildrive hacking console not appearing for Clients.
- Fixed the Vitruvian power surge during The Sacrifice quest causing the Orbiter ‘Wear & Tear’ to strobe as if it were a light.
- Fixed the Orbiter floor not matching the amount of ‘Wear & Tear’ as the rest of the Orbiter when at the lowest value.
- Fixes towards Elemental FX being misaligned when using a Zaw Skin – some alignment issues still remain.
- Fixed the Astreos Sword And Shield Skin being opened by default when loading into a mission.
- Fixed missing in-world transmissions on Jupiter’s Gas City tileset.
- Fixed Terra Embattor Moa’s mortar attack breaking if a target was destroyed while being targeted.
- Fixed inability to play the Kuva Fortress Pago Spy node.
- Fixed being loaded into a completely different mission when attempting to play a dynamic mission types (Kuva Siphons, Syndicate etc) when using Public matchmaking. This only occurred if there were more than one of that mission-type on the same planet at the same time.
- Fixed Sawgaws being near impossible to Tranq.
- More fixes towards Syandanas clipping into Titania’s Empress Skin.
- Fixed the Gear wheel not having correct tooltips when switching back and forth between Gear and Emotes.
- Fixed two different weapon sounds being heard when firing Titania’s Dex Pixia with the Hawkmoth Skin equipped.
- Fixed a network race condition that could lead to missing Client-side FXs in Hijack missions.
- Fixed Kubrow animations popping/jittering when returning to the Incubator after the menu is opened.
- Fixed broken HUD elements in Hijack missions after a Host migration.
- Fixes towards the Cumulus Syandana clipping through numerous Warframes.
- Fixed text being crunched for some languages in the Kuva Lich UI when it spawns.
- Fixed collision volumes in the Orbiter Arsenal wall.
- Fixed filepath text when attempting to add a Friend on a newly created account.
- Fixed a script error when removing your Cyst.
- Fixed loot appearing under the floor in the Corpus Gas City tileset.
- Fixed a level hole in a Plains of Eidolon cave.
- Fixed numerous level holes across the Grineer Asteroid and Grineer Fortress tilesets.
- Fixed a crash that occurred if you opened a locker before the Master Key Parazon Mod triggered.
- Fixed a script error from Inaros’ Undying Passive.
- Fixed script crash that could occur from Rhino’s Iron Skin ability.
- Fixed script crash that could occur from Energy Shell.
- Fixed script crash that could occur from Nekros’ Desecrate ability.
- Fixed script crash that could occur from Gauss’ Redline ability.
- Fixed script crash that could occur from Mirage’s Sleight of Hand ability.
- Fixed script crash that could occur from Wukong’s Cloud Walker ability.
- Fixed script crash that could occur from Wisp’s Reservoirs ability.
- Fixed script crash that could occur from Vauban’s Minelayer ability.
- Fixed script crash that could occur from Hildryn’s Balefire ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Volt’s Discharge ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Nova’s Molecular Prime ability.
- Fixed script crash that could occur from enemies using Switch Teleport.
- Fixed script crash that could occur from Fishing.
- Fixed script crash that could occur from completing a Bounty.
- Fixed script crash that could occur when fighting Vay Hek.
- Fixed script crash that could occur when fighting the Raptor.
- Fixed script crash that could occur in the Disruption gamemode.
- Fixed script crash that could occur from a Grineer Scorpion enemy.
- Fixed script crash if an Arbitration Shield Drone tried to protect certain types of NPC.
- Fixed a script crash that could occur when dealing damage with Rakta Dark Dagger.
- Fixed script crash that could occur when picking up a Convergence Orb.
- Fixed script crash if an Ancient Healer tried to protect certain types of NPC
- Fixed script crash that could break specific encounters on the Orb Vallis.
- Fixed a script error that would occur if a Client joined a fishing party in progress.
- Fixed a script error related to Kavats.
- Fixed a script error when viewing Profit-Taker Orb in the Codex.
- Fixed script error that could occur when Nullifier dome collides with a Kuva cloud.
- Fixed a script error related to Venari.
- Fixed script errors when your Kuva Lich would attempt to Dodge or Decoy.
- Fixed a script error when the Molecular Conversion Taxon Precept Mod deactivates.
- Fixed a script error when being pulled by a Grineer Scorpion.
- Fixed a script error when the Eidolon Teralyst screams.
- Fixed an issue with Grineer Ghouls causing a script error.
- Fixed a potential script error in the Revenge Sentinel Precept.
- Fixed a potential script error in the Unleashed Kubrow Precept.
Fixed free cursor piloting on controller to be more standard flight model