Street Fighter 5 Update 3.06 Patch Hinweise vom 4. März

street fighter 5 patch 2.14

Capcom hat heute ein neues Update für Street Fighter 5 veröffentlicht. Unten zeigen wir euch die Patch Hinweise vom 4. März.

Das Street Fighter 5 Update 3.06 steht ab sofort bereit zum Download, für PS4 und PC. Die Dateigröße ist uns im Moment nicht bekannt.


Street Fighter V Patch Notes 3.06

  • (3/1 Update)An issue was discovered with Ken’s and Vega’s hitboxes when being countered with a V-Shift causing certain moves to not complete correctly. The hitboxes will be adjusted so their move recoveries will perform as intended.
  • Sound effects in matches playback in ‘Mono’ sound even if the sound option selected is set for ‘Stereo.’
  • When using Necalli’s V-Trigger I “Torrent of Power” during an online match, some matches may experience a communication de-sync.
  • Chun-Li and Juri’s V-Shift cause them to move back farther than expected.
  • Hitting Dan during the second half of his Jumping LP jump arc will ground him.
  • Some dojo objects are not displayed.
  • For Steam Players] Using the F12 screenshot function during gameplay will cause the game client to forcefully close.
    →This is scheduled to be fixed on 3/4.
     However, we can confirm that you can still take a screenshot by setting the Steam screenshot key to something other than F12.


Quelle: Capcom