Operation Tango Update 1.03 Patch Notes vom 5. Juni

Operation Tango Trophäen

Am frühen Samstagmorgen wurde ein Hotfix Patch für Operation Tango veröffentlicht. Unten findet ihr die vollständigen Patch Notes zu diesem Update am 5. Juni.

Das Operation Tango Update 1.03 steht jetzt bereit zum Download, für alle Plattformen. Erwartet nicht zu viel, es gibt lediglich ein paar Fehlerbehebungen und Optimierungen.

PS5 Update Version 01.000.003 | Steam Version 1.01_00


Operation Tango Patch Hinweise 1.03

  • Improved clarity of aligned stacks gameplay in mission 4
  • Fixed three achievements given too early
  • Fixed cinematics sometimes not playing for the hacker
  • Fixed case where hacker respawns far from their hierarchy while entering a node during a gameover
  • Fixed crash in mission 2 when hacking the panel on the 3rd floor
  • Fixed incorrect respawn position in mission 2
  • Fixed hacker freezing in transit when entering cameras in Mission 2
  • Fixed players not being able to finish Mission 4 by pressing the button simultaneously
  • Fixed access code from evidence room in mission 5 which sometimes did not work
  • Fixed problem in mission 6 caused by throwing an emp mine while getting detected
  • Fixed wrong translation in German which made defusing the bomb impossible in mission 6


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