Civilization 6 Update 1.04 Patch Notes vom 25. Juni 2020

civilization 6

2K hat heute ein neues Update für Civilization 6 veröffentlicht. Wir haben alle Informationen zu diesem Update am 25. Juni.

Das Civilization 6 Update 1.04 kann ab sofort heruntergeladen werden, für alle Plattformen. Auf der Playstation 4 müsst ihr 1,1 GB herunterladen und installieren. Je nach Plattform kann die Größe des Download unterschiedlich sein.


Civilization VI Patch Notes 1.04

  • Upcoming
    • Working on updates to Maya and Gran Colombia based upon feedback from various sources, reddit included
  • Exploits Fixed
    • Removed ability to choose multiple pantheons, generating multiple bonuses
    • Removed exploit for combat strength/movement points from upgrading near great general
    • Removed exploit that allows free policy change after completing a civic
    • Removed exploit allowing multiple copies of the same district in a single city
  • Updates
    • If you pollute like a mad-man or kill all civs to attain a diplo victory, it’ll be less effective
      • Increasing favor penalty on excess pollution
      • New favor penalty for players who own foreign capitals
      • Diplomatic victory resolution will only remove 2 victory points, not 3
      • Points are now counted at the start of the turn so you can no longer win with points you’d actually lose in world congress
    • Palenque is now a Mayan city. The city-state has been renamed to Mitla
    • A few UI changes, including text-size options for chat panel, page history for civilopedia, and the ability to resize the offers and inventory panels during diplomacy
    • Cities now show the actual production cost for units and maintenance – base costs can still be found in civilopedia
  • Gathering Storm balance changes
    • Over 12 religious beliefs “tweaked” to provide “interesting and balanced choices as your religion evolves”
      • Some stronger, some weaker, some new
      • Warrior Monks – Still provides units, now allow holy sites to culture bomb adjacent tiles when they finish construction
      • Dar-e-merh building is now immune to natural disasters
      • New Sacred Places Belief: Faithful cities with world wonders now get extra science, culture, faith, and gold
    • Yosemite & Eye of Sahara: Base yield increase to better align their powers with the other natural wonders
  • Community updates going forward will offer a new feature
    • Could be a new scenario, free game mode, or a way to customize your setup
    • PC Players: Red Death, Season Two
      • Zombies (led by a brain in a jar, able to create new zombies by killing a non-zombie in combat, take damage each turn)
      • Aliens (came to the world to overthrow it, have a cloaking ability that allows a sneak attack)
      • Each faction (including season 1) now have their own abilities
      • Sean Bean is now narrating Red Death
      • Observer mode added
      • Kick Voting added
  • In the coming months expect more new features, balance tweaks, updates