Baphomets Fluch 5: Der Sündenfall Episode 2 kommt im April/Mai

Die zweite Episode von Revolution Softwares Adventure Baphomets Fluch: Der Sündenfall soll sich nun in der letzten Phase befinden. Aus unterschiedlichen Quellen erhalten wir Release Termine die zwischen Mitte April und Anfang Mai schwanken, daher haben wir mal genauer geschaut und folgende Worte von den Entwicklern gefunden:

We are so excited about the forthcoming release of Episode 2. Our team have been working tirelessly the past few weeks to reach the point we are now at, and we are very close to completion. All the game assets are in place, script has been locked, and the game is currently being thoroughly tested.
As ever in this industry, there have been minor setbacks that require immediate attention. Due to this, we intend to release Broken Sword 5 – the Serpent’s Curse Episode 2 for PC/Mac/Linux in the first half of April, as we feel it is worth taking a short while to really polish the game. We are certain that you will see the worthwhile effects of this decision.
Thank you for accompanying us on this journey so far. It’s been a tumultuous but extremely enjoyable one. We really appreciate your patience while we put the finishing touches to your game.

Amazon Datiert jedoch den 23. Mai…
Baphomets Fluch kostet 30 Euro, alternativ übrigens auch als Collector’s Edition für circa 50 Euro.