Pyre – Alle Talismane und Effekte

Das neuste Spiel von Entwickler Supergiant Games ist Pyre. In diesem Rollenspiel können die Spieler konsequent eine Reihe von Fähigkeiten freischalten, bekannt als Talisman für die unterschiedlichen Charaktere.

Es gib über 40 Talismane im Spiel, wir zeigen euch alle Talisman und deren Effekte.

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Alle Talismane und Effekte – Pyre

Talisman Effekt
Ashen Coal +30 Leben
Astral Eye Verliert 3 Hoffnung (Hope), +8 Bonus Schaden
Black Claw Aura will remain when using Orb
Black Heart Unendlich Ausdauer nach Verbannung
Black Hoof +100% Ausdauer, Orb nicht verwendbar
Bottled Void Draw in opponents when returning from being banished
Bright Wisp Pass Orb after being banished
Cur Fang Deal +8 Bonus Schaden
Dying Flame When opponent has less Leben deal +8 Bonus Schaden
Faerie Spirit After banishing an opponent Unendlich Ausdauer
Faith Stone +8 Hoffnung (Hope)
Flame Leech Regeneriert Leben that will equal up to 50% of Schaden dealt
Frozen Soul From the Rite start, your opponent will suffer 10 Schaden
Gol’s Bracer Unendlich Ausdauer for 5 seconds after landing hit (Hedwyn only)
Haub’s Wing Flutter and Zip will cost less 100% less Ausdauer (Ti’Zo only)
Infernal Bloom 80% Aura Burst when banishing opponent with Aura-casting.
Jeweled Band +2 Presence, +2 Quickness, +2 Hoffnung (Hope)
Jomuer’s Fang Aura casts last +500% longer (Rukey only)
Khaylmer’s Anklet Aura can bounce off objects and surfaces (Fae only)
Living Flame If player has more Leben than opponent then receive +8 Bonus Schaden
Lu’s Bough Blink ability will transport +100% further (Volfred only)
Luminous Idol Recover 100% Ausdauer when grasping Orb
Lunar Glass When carrying Orb the player will most +20% faster
Milthe’s Tail Aura-cast will go through objects (Bertrude only)
Moon Crest 60% of returning after being banished by opponent
Mottled Flask +40% Ausdauer recovery will be faster
Nihiland Leech 40% chance of recovering Ausdauer after banishing opponent
Ores’s Scale Jump +60% farther (Sir Gilman only)
Prayer Beads 100% chance to avoid banishment after going into opponents Pyre
Righteous Flame Pyre restored by +10%
Rite Lite After losing Pyre it becomes restored +20% (Once per Rite)
Ruined Band +2 Presence, +2 Quickness, +2 Hoffnung (Hope)
Scribe Rock +8 Presence
Shooting Star Banish opponent by flinging Orb at them
Sling Bullet Fling Orb +40% farther
Solliam’s Horn Cast Aura 60% faster and farther (Jodariel only)
Star Splinter +80% charge-up speed when flinging the Orb
Sunken Shadow Opponents will take +2 seconds longer to return from banishment
Tailwind Crest +8 quickness
Thorned Knot +30% maximum range increase when Aura-casting
Titan Tooth Stun and knock back airborne adversaries
Triesta’s Plume Deal +5 Schaden along with Pamitha being immune from banishment by dousing opponent’s pyre
Twilight Shard +8 Bonus Schaden when flinging Orb to opponents Pyre
Typhoon Bottle After opponent’s triumvirate becomes banished, they will slow down and unable to use abilities
Vengeful Vow Ensuing blast will banish opponents from +500 radius after bearer is banished
Webbed Lanthorn Banished ally will instantly return after player banishes an opponent